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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Week 1 Weight-Loss Results

The first week of my weight-loss challenge is over, and I'm proud to announce that I've lost six pounds, which is 2.65% of my body weight!  Way to go, me!  I want to celebrate with a big, greasy dinner.

I couldn't really think of anything specific to say about this past week, so I'll leave you with a few thoughts that just ran through my head:

Why the heck is my face so red?  It's been like this all day.

Ja-ja-ja-jelly belllllyyyyy!  I want boobs again.

I want to join a fitness center, but just for the tanning.  Don't judge.

The girl that took my picture said, "I like your peacock shirt."

I think I have one of those bodies where the middle gets fat like a beer barrel, but the arms and legs stay skinny.  I think that's called "skinny fat".  I am skinny fat, except basically more fat with chicken ankles.  I better stop.

I never mentioned that I'm 5'9".  I used to be 5'10".

One of my favorite movies is "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" with Lily Tomlin.  I also want her giant rocking chair.

I'll be 34 in a week!

I like my new haircut and wish you could see the peek-a-boo violet highlights in these pics.  Next time I'm getting either purple, blue, or pink.  "Go big or go home," as I always say.  Never.

The lady that did my hair is like a crack dealer.  She gave me my first cut and color free and now I'm addicted.  I see how you are!

Someone on Facebook just mentioned wanting M&M's, and now I want them.  Sigh.  But I'm "watching what I eat."  I'll watch it all the way to the bank is what I'll do!

I just ate a BLT for lunch and my gums feel all cut up.  But it was totally worth it.

I like cooking bacon in the oven on a cookie sheet.  

BACON!  Good all points back to bacon.  :D

Hopefully I will continue to eat healthier so I can lose weight at next week's weigh-in, too.  On the agenda...drink water and check out the company's fitness room. 


  1. Congrats Rachel! I love your blog! Such honesty and humor-it makes me smile! Keep it up pretty lady! You're inspiring us all!

  2. Thanks much - that means a lot coming from you!

  3. Congrats on 6 lbs! Keep it up! You can do it!
