Without fail, whenever I have something to eat and the kids are around, I find myself sharing with them. My husband and I call them our "baby birds." I'll explain. As soon as they spot the food we have, they stop what they're doing and rush over, eyes locked on the prize. Rarely do they verbalize when they want us to share. Instead, they stand patiently in front of us with their mouths wide open and their hands at their sides. They expect us to spoon the food in their mouths. If we're not doing it fast enough, they'll say "bite, bite," which to us sounds just like "cheep, cheep!"
It's not like we don't feed the kids or that they don't eat. They get at least three squares a day plus copious amounts of snacks. I used to get semi-annoyed that I couldn't have anything to eat all by myself without the baby birds demanding to be fed. Then it hit me. One day, the kids will be grown up and I'll be eating my meals and snacks by myself, without any gaping-mouthed baby birds standing in front of me. That realization opened up a whole can of emotions. One day, I'm not going to get woken in the early morning hours by the kids wanting to crawl into bed with us. One day, the kids won't want me to read books to them, make up bedtime stories, or have me sing them to sleep. One day, the kids won't ask me to carry or hold them. One day, the kids won't think it's fun to have me chase them around the house when we play "Bun Squisher".
But as for today, I'm soaking up all I can so I don't miss a thing!